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Vasili Arkhipov Tee

Regular price $41.00 CAD
Regular price $48.00 CAD Sale price $41.00 CAD
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Believe it or not, in 1962, the world was just one push of a button away from nuclear war. Imagine this: in the middle of the Cold War, a Soviet submarine armed with a nuclear weapon and instructions to launch it if necessary is heading for Cuba. It has no communication and starts feeling deep charges. Amidst the tension, the captain's command echoes: "LAUNCH THE MISSILE!"

Yet, in the face of imminent catastrophe, one person utters a resounding "NO" – a courageous act that reverberates through history. Posthumously honored and bestowed with titles like "the most important person in modern history" and "The Man Who Saved the World." Vasili Arkhipov might "never consider his actions as heroism," but he is truly a hero who chose peace over war, life over destruction. Let's remember that in these chaotic times.